Thursday, February 23, 2006

How To Choose A Polygraph Examiner

The results of your polygraph test may change your life!

When choosing a polygraph examiner, price is the last thing you should ask about. In the polygraph profession, affordability does not always equal quality. Remember the old saying, "You get what you pay for."

It's up to you to be a smart consumer when choosing your examiner. When selecting someone to do your polygraph test, ask the person the following four questions. If the examiner doesn't answer "Yes" to all four questions, you may want to look for someone else.

1. Are you a member of one of the following National professional associations?
APA - American Polygraph Association
AAPP - American Association of Police Polygraphists
NPA - National Polygraph Association

2. Are you a member of a State professional association?
CAPE - California Association of Polygraph Examiners
List of All State Association Websites

3. Are you Certified? (In California, CAPE certification is best)

4. Do you attend at least 40 hours of continuing education seminars each and every year?

If a polygraph examiner does not answer "yes" to all four questions, he may not be good enough for you.

Additional questions to ask when selecting an examiner:

5. Have you testified in court about polygraph tests?

6. Are you an Officer or Board Member of a Professional Association?

7. Are you a teacher at an accredited polygraph school (accredited by APA, AAPP or NPA)?

8. Have you written articles about polygraph testing?

9. Do you have one or more college degrees?

Remember, your polygraph test may be a life-changing event. Don't put yourself in the hands of anyone but a highly-qualified professional!

Our polygraph services page

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